IOP Publishing

The HOM interferometer, equation (18)

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posted on 2013-08-19, 00:00 authored by Frank Schlawin, Shaul Mukamel

Figure 1. The HOM interferometer, equation (18). The two beams are mixed at a balanced beam splitter, and correlation events of the two detectors are recorded.


Time- and frequency-gated two-photon counting is given by a four-time correlation function of the electric field. This reduces to two times with purely time gating. We calculate this function for entangled photon pulses generated by parametric down-conversion. At low intensity, the pulses consist of well-separated photon pairs, and crossover to squeezed light as the intensity is increased. This is illustrated by the two-photon absorption signal of a three-level model, which scales linearly for a weak pump intensity where both photons come from the same pair, and gradually becomes nonlinear as the intensity is increased. We find that the strong frequency correlations of entangled photon pairs persist even for higher photon numbers. This could help facilitate the application of these pulses to nonlinear spectroscopy, where these correlations can be used to manipulate congested signals.
