IOP Publishing

Non-fidelity 1 − F = 1 − PQ of the full transfer driven by Gaussian pulses plus weak coupling decay versus pulse duration and delay τ = Δt (see equation (6))

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posted on 2013-06-21, 00:00 authored by M R Kamsap, T B Ekogo, J Pedregosa-Gutierrez, G Hagel, M Houssin, O Morizot, M Knoop, C Champenois

Figure 4. Non-fidelity 1 − F = 1 − PQ of the full transfer driven by Gaussian pulses plus weak coupling decay versus pulse duration and delay τ = Δt (see equation (6)). Laser parameters are \Omega _B^0/2\pi =400 MHz, ΔB/2π = 100 MHz, \Omega _R^0/2\pi =40 MHz and ΔR = ΔB − ΔC − αCΩC/2. The open red circles on the solid line are for ΩC/2π = 1 MHz, ΔC/2π = 10 MHz, the black crosses on the dash-dotted line are for ΩC/2π = 5 MHz, ΔC/2π = 50 MHz and the full blue squares on the dashed line are for ΩC/2π = 10 MHz, ΔC/2π = 100 MHz.


A stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP)-like scheme is proposed to exploit a three-photon resonance taking place in alkaline-earth-metal ions. This scheme is designed for state transfer between the two fine structure components of the metastable D-state which are two excited states that can serve as optical or THz qubit. The advantage of a coherent three-photon process compared to a two-photon STIRAP lies in the possibility of exact cancellation of the first-order Doppler shift which opens the way for an application to a sample composed of many ions. The transfer efficiency and its dependence with experimental parameters are analysed by numerical simulations. This efficiency is shown to reach a fidelity as high as (1–8 × 10−5) with realistic parameters. The scheme is also extended to the synthesis of a linear combination of three stable or metastable states.
